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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Squats Will Keep You Out Of The Nursing Home...Again.

The other day I was bringing some things into a building through a really heavy door, I mean really heavy. So no flies on me I wanted to prop open the door. Back and forth back and forth through the heavy door was nuts. I saw a huge rock just a few feet away from the door and it looked as though it had been used as a solution for my very problem previously. I went over and picked up the rock and propped open the door, it was heavy but I handled it. Done.

Then this woman walked up to me and said, "I saw what you did." Boy did my mind go to a million different places...what did she see me do? I didn't offer a confession and let her finish....

"I saw you pick up that rock and move it. You really are getting stronger, I never could have done that."

All of a sudden I realized what she was saying. The kettle bell, the squats, the heavy rope and the heavier rope, that damn heavy ball were all making a difference. I am stronger and I moved that rock, all by myself, I didn't think about it, I picked it up and I moved it. I could not have done that 6 months ago and now I am out there in the world moving big heavy rocks!

I am amazing!!

There are a lot of aspects to getting in shape but one of the most rewarding has to be getting stronger.

I am getting stronger, I can do 60 squats in one round of the circuit....and I can add the kettle bell to it. I hold a 20 pound kettle bell and do squats....or as my trainer says Sumo deadlift high pull...that's right I am doing a sumo deadlift high pull (take that #ageisjustanumber) without even blinking.

I have not hurt myself, my bad knee is better, my mind is clearer (stop laughing) I am not as depressed in the morning, I am not sore......

I am stronger 

All my numbers are where they should be.

And I am stronger!

The psycholgical lift from exercise is I look at hard things in my life and think, well it's not a Sumo deadlift high pull I have to do 60 times. I can do that.

There was a time walking from my bedroom to the kitchen was a job of epic proportions, now I hope on the rower and head for the shore...

Hold a plank, lift those weights, do some pushups, hit the heavy ropes.....and by the way no one cares that you are in your 60's.

Want to stave off joint issues? Get stronger

Want to have less depression? Get stronger

Want to walk faster? sleep better? Better balance? Get stronger

Walking is great but add some weights...not just every once in a it regularly

Get stronger....

Want to stay out of the nursing home?

Do squats...the number one reason people have to go to a nursing home is because they cannot get off the toilet.

Squats will keep you out of the nursing home.

Get stronger!!