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Monday, November 19, 2018

New Season! New Ideas! More Success

I gathered my kitchen cabinet, my brain trust...the folks I love the most, the people who know me with make-up and without, My people...and I explained to them I have some fitness momentum but I am staring Thanksgiving right in the gobble-gobble. Heck I'm staring the holidays right in the Ho-Ho-Ho.

What's a girl to do?

With my fitness/eating momentum humming along I am understandably.....SCARED TO DEATH!!
The previous "after Thanksgiving system" has simply been eat yourself into a coma, get up the next morning and curse if someone has used all the gravy - (because in the hierarchy of leftovers gravy is practically golden because who will make that again?) and then start over...this system is the regular deal until January 1.....I have been incredibly loyal to this system, I don't even know another system.
That's why I approached my people and asked them to help me come up with an alternate plan

Here are some of the things we came up with...

Thanksgiving week....Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are full on exercise days.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are careful eating days. What I mean by that is a good breakfast (today was 2 slices of bacon and 2 eggs - it got me through to dinner, happily. And that includes no samples at Costco) then a good dinner. No snacking, no sweets.

And then to Thanksgiving...we aren't going to have dinner? Of course we are, but that is where I am going clever. Instead of lounging around and having our usual bagels after the Turkey Bowl (football game in the morning) I am going to get some serious walking in. Then I am going to enjoy my dinner. I am going to enjoy my pie...But we have added some fun vegetables previously uneaten by the Tag clan before and I intend to make them a bigger part of the feast.

Friday I want to gather up the troops and go to a local state park called Red Rock Canyon and hike around...I'm shaking everything up. And then back to my warm, cozy house where we can put up the Christmas Tree while watching football. And yes I am going to have leftovers. But I am not going to stand in front of the fridge and just randomly eat things, like turning the whipped cream can upside down in my mouth,....I will have a plan to enjoy everything. Intentional living...

 After having enjoyed the holidays for 2 days on Saturday I am back! Lots of water, exercise and going outside more.

December will be intentional each day. I will have a treat on the weekend but not through the week. Since we are caterers and around rich food all the time I have been unconsciously eating, I get so tired during the month that I think eating will give me energy when in fact it takes energy away.

I will go over my plan each morning...I will repeat it to myself...that is how we make things real and keep them in front of us by saying it all out loud.

Sleep, water, exercise and planning. Nothing crazy, just a plan...a realistic plan.

I am also going to remind myself I can do this. I am going to say it, not just think it.

Another reason I am so intent on staying the course is a very important anniversary is tomorrow....two years ago I almost died from an aortic dissection. Very few people survive that little number and I realize I have been given another chance so I am intent, finally, on taking care of my health and my life. It took me a long time to process the entire event, but I am starting to understand a whole lot. Xuberance has helped me so much, my friend Patrice who guided me to this amazing place told me that Xuberance showed her things she never knew about herself. I know what she means now. When you really push yourself, when you finally get to that place where real change can occur, you realize how far you can go. I let preconceived ideas of aging cloud my potential. I thought since I was older that older people don't push themselves that hard. But if I can survive almost dying then I can swing that dang kettlebell, those ghastly heavy ropes and anything else I am challenged with. I intend to age...the alternative is a bit bleak, but I am not going to let conventionality tell me what aging will be like. Happy Anniversary to me!!!
Right after they knew I would be ok a friend of the family took this picture of two of my children

Scout and Emma

These precious little girls are in my life now and I am so happy things worked out 2 years ago!!

I am happy to share the incredible news of Xuberance a new wellness center in Las Vegas Nevada. A full service center dedicated to helping you reach your highest health potential. With a doctor on staff, regular blood work, fitness testing, weekly therapeutic massage, a dietician on staff,  and expert fitness trainers you cannot go wrong on becoming your best and healthiest you.
4280 S. Hualapai Way Ste. 104 
Las Vegas, Nevada 89147
(702) 750-9420


  1. This post fills me with such joy! Because you are still here to make plans at your two-year mark! It could have been so different... Enjoy your week! You are so right--Include the food, but make the family the priority! You've definitely got this, Girl!

  2. I'm so glad you are committed to taking care of yourself. Sometimes it takes a wake up call. Glad you answered.

  3. WOW -- what a story. What a plan! Today is Sunday after Thanksgiving. I can;t wait to hear how well it worked. Love to you!
